1975 40 Year Reunion
Friday, 18 December 2015
Some things never change.  On Sunday 24 October 2015 a gaggle of girls met for our 40 year reunion.  Unable to stop talking or follow instructions it was like the return from the long summer holidays.  All that was missing was the school uniform though some of us still had relics of it on the day and Suey Rosenberg brought her Massie House school case.
Thirty three girls from the class of 1975 met at the school in the Early Learning Centre for the tour, champagne, afternoon tea and lots of talking.  We soberly remembered those who are no longer with us and celebrated each other’s lives and achievements.
Girls came from far and wide.  New York, the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Tasmania, Crookwell, Scone … Emails from those who were not able to attend entertained us including a wonderful letter full of news from Angelika (Turk) Staib in Germany.  In the days following our reunion many commented the longevity of our friendships and on how easy it was to reconnect even after 40 years.
Thanks to Carole Dawes who set up a flickr site of photos of the day and to Sarah Gregory and Brooke Kathriner, KOG Relations Manager, who very patiently persevered and produced a wonderful group photo.
The privilege of our school years was brought home to some of us as we stood mesmerised watching a flying boat coming in to land while listening to Principal Debra Kelliher remind us of events that shaped our schooling and her vision for Kambala.
Many thanks to Sarah (Chapman) Roberts who held an after party for those who hadn’t finished talking.
Left over funds from the day were donated to purchase equipment for Radiation Oncology at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Foundation.
The overwhelming response to our reunion day was that every 10 years is not enough so stay tuned for the next Class of 75 reunion.