Class of 1997 20 Year Reunion
Monday, 6 November 2017

Kate (Williams) Sellors '97

The class of 1997 celebrated our 20 year reunion on a glorious Spring evening in October, 2017.

More than half of our cohort managed to attend, which was a great turnout. 

We met at Kambala on the front lawn, where KOG Relations Manager Brooke Kathriner and two lovely year 12 students took us on a tour of the grounds and buildings. Some of the girls hadn't been back for 20 years and we all had wonderful memories to share of our time at the school. 

Following this, we enjoyed drinks and canapés at Regatta restaurant in Rose Bay. 

We dearly missed the presence of Danielle (Feller) Sirmai, our beloved friend who died of cancer in 2012. We all toasted a drink in her memory, and were pleased to be able to raise $1200 in donations to her memorial scholarship.